
We are ICEF Accredited!

August 14, 2024

We are thrilled to announce that Education Valley has earned the prestigious ICEF Agency Status.

According to the ICEF Code of Conduct, "Agency owners and executives are straightforward, transparent, and accountable at all times and in all dealings with staff, institutions, students, parents, and other members."

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At Education Valley, we're more than just an education agency—we're your trusted gateway to studying in the US. Our ICEF accreditation, strong partnerships with US educational institutions, and a proven track record of student success make us stand out.

Our team of counselors has completed the ICEF US Course, equipping them with comprehensive knowledge of the US education system, visa processes, and cultural nuances. This certification ensures we can confidently guide our students and partner agencies through the complexities of studying in the US.

With Education Valley, your educational journey will be smooth and successful. Contact us today, and let's start achieving your goals together!

ICEF Code of Conduct for the Ethical Recruitment of International Students

  • Acting fairly and in the best interests of the student.
  • Providing current, accurate, and honest information.
  • Providing realistic and appropriate information that is tailored to the individual student, particularly in relation to language ability, financial capacity, and intended study programme.
  • Ensuring that visa or admissions applications are free of any fraudulent or misleading documents or representations.
  • Being transparent in all business dealings and advisory services, including avoiding any conflicts of interest or misrepresentation.
  • Preserving the confidentiality of all personal and business information.
  • Ensuring that minor students have adequate representation and support from a parent, guardian, and/or legal counsel.
  • Representing accurately the rights and responsibilities of the student in their intended destination country.
  • Complying with all relevant laws and regulations in both the agent’s home country and the student’s intended destination.
  • Developing their professional knowledge and practice on an ongoing basis.

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